Psych appointment

So i have been seeing a psychologist since I was 10, my current one since January 2013 so over a year. I have been through several hospitalizations, suicide attempts, countless medication changes, severe depression, severe anxiety, an eating disorder and more. Since January all though my eating disorder has gotten worst I was put on a new medication called Saphris its an anti psychotic and since then my suicide thoughts have almost disappeared, I had chronic suicidal thoughts it was basically all I thought about all the time. Now I just got a job (which I had to quit a year ago because I was in the hospital so much and I was on so many meds I couldn’t work) Im working towards moving out with my boyfriend. I have my days with depression but its so much better then it was. I rarely think of suicide, I still have the thoughts but I haven’t attempted in over a year. So my psychologist was really happy today and said Ive come a long way. He was so happy to hear I got a job and all my meds at working properly.

anyway yay positive post